• If the abstract is accepted, a Final Paper should be submitted. The length of the final paper must be no more than 12 pages (including figures, tables and references).
  • Please CLICK HERE to download a template of the Final Paper.
  • Please, register for managing paper submission, powered by EasyChair, by creating a specific account and submitting your papers as “author” by Clicking on NEW SUBMISSION

Thanks for contributing to the ISSCWR-11 Symposium !


  • A paper should contain the description of the study and should follow the general structure of Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Section Heading, Conclusions and References.
  • The title and the list of authors must coincide with the accepted abstract.
  • Captions of Figures must be put below each of them, while captions of Tables must be put above each of them. Each Figure and each Table must me mentioned at least once in the text.
  • Equations must be written with standard mathematical style and each symbol used should be clearly defined in the text or in a Nomenclature section. Formulas must be numbered to be referred to in the text when needed.
  • When using References adopt numbering with square brackets [1] in sequential order of appearance in the text. Use standard ways of referencing one or more references as [1-3] and [1, 4] with usual meaning of these notations.
  • For the references, please use classical journal referencing style (example as below):
[1]        Schulenberg, T., Starflinger, J., 2012. High Performance Light Water Reactor: Design and Analyses. KIT Scientific Publishing

  • The deadline for Draft Paper Contribution submission is July 31st, 2024.
  • All participants will be notified by September 30th, 2024 about their Draft Paper Contribution’s status.
  • The deadline for Final Paper submission is October 31st, 2024.